Typo (2019) fixed.

On 1/27/2019 2:10 PM, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
>   Updates for January 2019
>   <http://ubuntustudio.org/2019/01/updates-for-january-2018/>
> The Ubuntu Studio team has been working on some exciting things since
> the release of Ubuntu Studio 18.10 back in October, and we thought we
> should update the community on these things.
>     Ubuntu Studio Installer
> In the past, the “Ubuntu Studio Metapackage Installer” has served to
> allow those that choose to install metapackages in Ubuntu Studio’s
> default Xfce-based environment after installation if they elected not
> to install those packages at install time. This will continue to
> exist, but will also serve a secondary purpose.
> One of the visions for Ubuntu Studio has been the ability for users of
> other Ubuntu flavors to essentially “bolt-on” Ubuntu Studio to their
> existing installation. This will be easily available for those users
> beginning with Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo. It will be a 2-step process:
> 1) install the “ubuntustudio-installer” package, and 2) Launch it and
> select the features you want. It will allow you to install any of the
> metapackages along with the “under-the-hood” performance tweaks that
> Ubuntu Studio includes by default.
>     Application Updates
> Most applications are getting updated to the latest version. One to
> highlight will be the inclusion of Calf Studio Gear (Calf Plugins)
> 0.90.1 which includes many enhancements to the audio plugins, but also
> fixes some compatibility issues.
> Unfortuntely, a side-effect of an upstream packaging error in LMMS
> exposing the calf-ladspa plugins to the rest of the system (which was
> never intended by the developers or LMMS or Calf) is causing a
> conflict when those plugins are loaded by other DAWs such as Ardour.
> As such, we have had to temporarily remove LMMS from the daily Ubuntu
> Studio spins until this problem, which was resolved upstream in
> Debian, makes its way back downstream to Ubuntu.
> Also coming will be bug fixes to Ubuntu Studio Controls with
> improvements to settings persisting after reboot.
>     Ubuntu Studio on Reddit
> The Ubuntu Studio subreddit has existed for some time, but recently
> our core team has gained moderation privileges to be able to
> revitalize it and create a community hub for our Ubuntu Studio
> community. If you’d like to join in that conversation, please visit
> https://reddit.com/r/ubuntustudio.
>     Ubuntu Studio in the Media
> Our council chair, Erich Eickmeyer, was recently featured in an
> article on Forbes talking about Ubuntu Studio. Check it out
> <https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2019/01/24/ubuntu-studio-19-04-has-new-tricks-up-its-sleeve-for-linux-creatives/>!
> Also, Erich appeared in a couple of podcasts, including This Week in
> Linux <https://tuxdigital.com/2018/10/episode-41-this-week-in-linux/>
> and the Lorenzo’s Music Podcast
> <https://www.lorenzosmusic.com/2019/01/s01-episode-6-erich-eickmeyer-ubuntu.html>.
> Erich has also been a long-time contributor to the LINUX Unplugged
> <https://linuxunplugged.com/> podcast and can be heard as part of the
> “Virtual Linux User Group”
>     Want to contribute?
> Currently, we are looking for people to come to the #ubuntustudio IRC
> chatroom at irc.freenode.net and participate by helping people with
> technical support. We get a lot of people asking for help at times
> when our most active members, namely Erich and Len who live on the
> west coast of the United States and Canada, are asleep. So, if you can
> help, that would be wonderful.
> Bear in mind that you don’t have to know everything, and if you don’t
> know the answer to a question, you can direct the user to other places
> to get help. If it’s related to the desktop environment, the folks in
> #xubuntu can help if you don’t know the answer. For everything else,
> there’s #ubuntu. For specific applications there is help by those

> developers and communities.

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