Ubuntu Studio 18.04 Extended Support
Back in April 2018, Ubuntu Studio 18.04 was released as a non-LTS
(Long-Term Support) version, which limited its support cycle to end
January 2019. This was due to a number of factors, from the involvement
of the team members at the time to the number of team members.
In January 2019, the team came up with the idea for a Backports PPA of
certain software to eliminate certain bugs and update the main packages
(the ones that make Ubuntu Studio what it is). It was officially
announced in February 2019.
As such, *the* *Ubuntu Studio team no longer supports Ubuntu Studio
18.04 unless the Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA is added.*Adding the
Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA *increases the support length of Ubuntu
Studio 18.04 to 3 years total*, with support *ending in April 2021.*
For more information about the Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA and how to
add it, please click this link
<https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA>. To see
what it contains, click this link
The Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA contains backported packages for all
currently supported versions of Ubuntu Studio, with the exception of
Ubuntu Studio 16.04 LTS which reaches end-of-life on April 25, 2019.
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