I have not seen anything about the "status" of using the kxstudio repos
since the new "18.04 with backports" method has been introduced.
It used to be that it was "suggested" that you add the kxstudio repos to
Ubuntu Studio and add many of the useful apps.
One of the these is Claudia. It is a "studio session manager" and a
patchbay (patchage-like), a LADISH frontend, and WAS the preferred way
of launching jack (not using qjackctl) as an "application autostart"
when logging-in.
Now, in 18.04 with backports, the suggested method of launching jack is
by Carla (also a kxstudio app). I setup Carla to do this but I forgot
about Claudia... Things were *rather* strange for a while until I
remembered and removed Claudia from the autostart list. Many things got
confused when both Claudia and Carla were "setting things up" *and*
launching jack...
So.... what is the "status" of using the kxstudio repos (and apps)?
1) should we NOT be using them anymore? if so, what would be the best
way to remove them? some apps were installed from "meta packages" and
we don't want to remove anything Carla needs.
2) is it "OK" to use them? if so, are there any to "avoid" due to
conflicts with the new/updated 18.04 plus backports apps?
3) are there apps that are still *preferred* to be used? obviously, the
new Carla is preferred. any others?
Thanks for any guidance in resolving this...
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