Review: Abstain

I've tested it on my BQ and it works fine! Good work!

However, giving a look at the code I saw there may be some complication in 
keeping this change working in future.

Mine just wants to be a suggestion on how to prevent this from happening, but I 
understand there may be some urgency in getting this patch landed and release a 
new version of terminal-app in the store. For that reason I'll abstain from 
doing a review.

Anyway, it's great to see new people joining the Core Apps team, so thank you! 

P.S. I'd wait for Alan, David or Niklas to provide a review before doing any of 
the changes I suggested.

Diff comments:

> === modified file 'src/app/qml/AuthenticationService.qml'
> --- src/app/qml/AuthenticationService.qml     2016-01-09 01:47:56 +0000
> +++ src/app/qml/AuthenticationService.qml     2016-02-02 21:39:09 +0000
> @@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
>      Component.onCompleted: {

Try to move the declaration of AuthenticationService at the end of 
This 'Component.onCompleted' slot will be executed earlier and the focus will 
be stolen by the terminal.

According to the Qt docs[1], "The order of running the onCompleted handlers is 

Although that seems to happen systematically, in theory neither the 
'onCompleted' slot in the main QML file is grant to be executed for last.
Even if the patch works great, it'd be better to do this in a different way. A 
small change in one of the other QML documents can potentially break the focus 

A workaround is to add a Timer component with interval=1, in order to delay the 
execution of the code at the next event loop iteration (i.e. after all the 
'onCompleted' slots have been called).

In the AuthenticationDialog, you can set the keyboard focus as follows:

Timer {
    interval: 1
    running: true
    onTriggered: passwordField.forceActiveFocus()

If you do that, please add a comment and mark it as "WORKAROUND" for a future 
reference, explaining the reason why it has been done so.

 as reference.

Otherwise, you can still perform this this at the 'Component.onCompleted' slot 
of the main QML file. In that case you'd need to expose a boolean property so 
that you can detect whether an authentication is required or not.



>          if ( systemAuthentication.requireAuthentication() && 
> !noAuthentication) {
>              displayLoginDialog();
> +        } else {
> +            tabsModel.selectTab(0);
>          }
>      }
> @@ -49,6 +51,7 @@
>              if ( systemAuthentication.validatePasswordToken( password ) ) {
>                  granted();
>                  PopupUtils.close( authentication_dialog );
> +                tabsModel.selectTab(0);

AuthenticationService has a 'onGranted' signal which I guess should be use for 
performing this operation.

QML aims to create a set of reusable components, so in the 'internal' logic 
there should be only the code strictly necessary for the component itself.


>              }
>              else {
>                  var dialog_options = {
> === modified file 'src/app/qml/ubuntu-terminal-app.qml'
> --- src/app/qml/ubuntu-terminal-app.qml       2016-01-29 02:16:38 +0000
> +++ src/app/qml/ubuntu-terminal-app.qml       2016-02-02 21:39:09 +0000
> @@ -125,8 +125,4 @@
>              model: 
> ["GreenOnBlack","WhiteOnBlack","BlackOnWhite","BlackOnRandomLight","Linux","cool-retro-term","DarkPastels","BlackOnLightYellow",
>  "Ubuntu"]
>          }
>      }
> -
> -    Component.onCompleted: {

If you go for the tips at the first in-line comment, you can restore the code 
you removed here.

> -        tabsModel.selectTab(0);
> -    }
>  }

Your team Ubuntu Terminal Developers is requested to review the proposed merge 
of lp:~mcintire-evan/ubuntu-terminal-app/auto-focus-auth into 

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