El dv 16 de 04 de 2010 a les 19:51 +0300, en/na Adi Roiban va escriure:
> Hi,
> I am sorry for not updating this preview later.
> The translation deadline has already pass, but if you find many spelling
> errors maybe we can get an exception... but I am not sure what can be
> done.
> So.
> Here are the translations for ubiquity-slideshow, updated a couple of
> hours ago:
> http://l10n.ubuntu.tla.ro/ubuntu-lucid-slideshow/
> Cheers,

I'll say it again: that's really, really awesome. Thanks Adi for the
great work on building and making available the slideshow translations!

I just corrected a quite visible typo in Catalan.


David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

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