30/01/2011 16:11, Sgrìobh Milo Casagrande:
It can be the right place! :-)
If you need to apply for your team to be part of the Ubuntu
Translators team, please follow the steps here:
I need glasses, yes, I just spotted the link to https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations


Even if you already have a team, there could be some points that need
to be cleared out. Checking the team Launchpad page, I see no
description of the team and its purpose.

When you have gone through all of that, please feel free to either
ping here or open a support request.
Ok I'd left that blank initially as, when I hit Edit, it said that was Optional but I've written something now. Should that be in English or is that up to the team?

I think in this case you should contact the Launchpad admins, better
if you ask to the Launchpad Translators devs though, they sure will
give you much more details on how to handle plural forms in Launchpad.

Ok thanks, that was helpful!

le meas,


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