Den 17-05-2011 13:51, David Planella skrev:
El dt 17 de 05 de 2011 a les 10:33 +0200, en/na Kenneth Nielsen va
Just a reminder for everyone. Tomorrow (May 18.) at 1400 UTC is
(Natty) language pack testing deadline. So if you have made changes in
your translations since release, that you would like to see sent out
as an update, then remember to test the package and sign off on it.

Regards Kenneth

Thanks a lot Kenneth for the heads up!

The Catalan team will be providing feedback by tomorrow, as we were
waiting on a bug fix that just got applied today to the language pack in

Also I've noticed that the Dutch team has tested the language packs and
left some feedback. Just a quick note that if you put 'no' to the page
means that you consider the bugs you've found as critical enough to not
justify a language pack update. So if you can live with the bugs and
would still like to get the language pack update (and benefit from the
post-release fixes and additions) please consider if you'd rather put

Also to the Dutch team - could you report bugs for the following points
you added to the test page, so that they can be tracked and fixed?:
       * LibreOffice Writer/Calc/Impress/Draw should be translated
       * Menu items Firefox>  Help not translated



I don't seam to be able to open the Date & time settings after enabeling proposed on a Danish system. I'll try one where i only install the langpack updates onc I get home later today.


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