Hello everybody,

On 21.03.2013 13:07, Pierre Slamich wrote:
> I can't access the pad: "Authorization is required to access
> http://pad.ubuntu.com/communitywebsite-contribute-translations
> Either you have not been granted access to this resource or your
> entitlement has timed out. Please try again.
> You are currently logged in as https://login.ubuntu.com/+id/XXXXXXXX";

as far as I know you have to join the Ubuntu Etherpad team

> Otherwise, I'm quite fond of the pictogram used by SpreadUbuntu for
> Translations (http://spreadubuntu.org/) but unsure where to find a
> scalable source.

Does anyone else know?

> Finally, gentle reminder about This afternoon's meeting.

Thanks a lot for that.

Have a great day,

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