Yes the folders are frozen when you create your user. If you create a new user it should get it's folders with the new names.


Den 17-10-2013 21:21, Michael Bauer skrev:
Many thanks for suggesting that Dave - 13.10 is indeed much better. The only oddity that springs out straight away are the system folders (Pictures, Videos) but perhaps these were maintained because I'm upgrading from an existing version, I had a similar thing when switching languages on Thunderbird.

Sorry I panicked a bit but this has been such a frustrating episode that when I'd upgraded to 13.04 (which I must have gotten mixed up in my head with .10) I took one look and went "Oh no".

Panic over. Sorry folks :)


17/10/2013 16:28, sgrìobh Dave Walker:
Can you clarify if you mean 13.04, or infact the new release of 13.10?

If it is 13.04, as you stated, this was released in April this year
which is/after/  the translation you linked to was approved.
Therefore, it wouldn't be possible to be in 13.04.

It would be worth checking if it is correct in 13.10, which was released today.

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