Op 08-08-14 om 13:31 schreef Michael Bauer:

Had about a dozen timeouts in a row but when it eventually came back, yes, on this occasion the translations had gone through. But I have indeed lost translations this way and I imagine many people also do if they don't try the back button.
I am not sure what you mean by the "back button". I use F5 (refresh) and I never lose any translations, but having to use F5 frequently is rather annoying. We have sent a bug report years ago, but it appears there is no solution.


08/08/2014 12:28, sgrìobh Ask Hjorth Larsen:
Hi Michael

Are you sure they were lost?  Usually they get submitted correctly,
and it is the next page which refuses to load.  So far I have not lost
a page of translations due to the usual timeout error.

Best regards

*Akerbeltz <http://www.faclair.com/>*
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