There is a problem with string 86 in When I try to translate English singular: This contact is on Telegram, I get the following error message: There is an error in a translation you provided. Please correct it before continuing.

Do other translators in other languages than mine (Dutch) get this error message too? There is no problem with English plural: %1 out of %2 contacts are on Telegram.
Ubuntu Dutch Translators

Op 26-06-15 om 18:52 schreef Michal Karnicki:
Hi Translators,

We noticed we were missing 3 strings from the pot file for the Telegram scope translation. I have updated the sources on launchpad and they are now ready for translation.

Thank you to all of you who have found time and helped us translate the current version of Telegram, we appreciate it very much!

Thank you and have a great day,

Software Engineer
Professional and Engineering Services
Canonical Ltd.

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