Hello Will,
Why Ubuntu Software Store? With the name "store" I think of a place where you buy things. In Xenial Ubuntu Software Center will be replaced by gnome-software (the name of this application is Software). I find this name, just Software, very confusing in documentation. Personally, I would go for the word "Software Center". btw, we had the same confusion when the name Nautilus was changed to Files. In documentation the difference between files and Files is very small.

Op 22-03-16 om 21:07 schreef Will Cooke:
Saluton translators!

I've just put a merge proposal up for a slightly amended installer slideshow:

https://code.launchpad.net/~willcooke/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/+merge/289835 <https://code.launchpad.net/%7Ewillcooke/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/+merge/289835>

Assuming I've got everything correct and it gets approved there is a slight change of text on the Software slide that you should be aware of.

The old text:
"Say goodbye to searching the web for new software. With Ubuntu Software "
"Center, you can find and install new apps with ease. Just type in what "
"you’re looking for, or explore categories such as Science, Education and "
"Games, alongside helpful reviews from other users."

The new text:
"Say goodbye to searching the web for new software. With access to the Ubuntu " "Software Store, you can find and install new apps with ease. Just type in " "what you’re looking for, or explore categories such as Science, Education "
"and Games, alongside helpful reviews from other users."

Please let me know if you have any questions, and thank you!


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