Op 20-02-17 om 16:02 schreef Louis Bouchard:

Le 20/02/2017 à 12:29, Chris Perry a écrit :
Hi Peter

It sounds as if you and Doug agree that the main problem here - by far
the most important problem? - (as regards the server guide) is that
"the Serverguide is in desperate need of subject matter expert help".
Your proposal does nothing directly to address this problem. I don't
understand this. If we get the technical reviews then if necessary I
can help Doug do the updates to the server guide, Can't Canonical
provide the technical reviewers? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding
something crucial?



I have contributed to a few sections of the Server guide and would be happy to
continue. But since this is not my dayjob, having to re-ramp up the XML editing
knowledge,find some "workable" XML editor, remember the intricacies of the
edition process simply often too time consuming to participate.

I don't have any favorite and I don't think that writing things that will later
be handled by tech writers either. But it ought to be simpler to create
documents than fighting with XML.



Just my 2 cents. Would it be possible to let contributors hand in their documents in plain text and let the XML experts in our team do the XML editing?


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