Hi, I'm Fumihito YOSHIDA, one of admin of Japanese Translators.

  Firstly, thank you for your great contribution to Japanese
translators, and I apologies for my slow reply and your concern.
Probably this reply doesn't enough faster than your expectation, but
not too late for corrections.

  And, I belive that "visibility solve any problem", so I answerd in
this public list. ...Yes, we have limited skill for English
communication, but we (you and me) can try for that.

  Sorry for bothering to other language guys!

  Your concern are caused by something our limited resource (include
my lazy) and some imbroglio, I can't divite into strict result, so I
try to expain how Japanese Translator works.
  And, I have one concern about your circs, you send mail to Japanese
Translators admins at 2/21 20:25(JST), but, your first mail in this
list(2/21 21:02 JST) are almost immediately, that have just 30
minutes. So, please share your urgency for that quick actions. I have
half expect, you love *buntu and you are concerned with the lack of
translations in next Z release.

  Okay, I try to explain about Ubuntu Japanese Translator system and
contact points, that is part of my answer for your concern.

  Premise: Japanese Translation Team have some contact points and ping
ways.  But we hadn't recieved your contacts. Please use valid way for
that, because we have limited resources in this time.
   Yes, Our IRC meeting habits have are died. Our meeting triggered by
mail in ubuntu-jp lists, sorry for this and not clearly announcement.

  Therefor, this is not real blocker for your translation work. Please
recheck the procedure in our wiki.

- If you want to contribute japanese translations, you have no call to
below heavy procedure, just do below simplified way.

  0) Input your translation to Rosetta.
  1) Update the waiting list for reviewing. They are coodicate by
per-release rules. If that is not exist, please create new page for
new releases.

  Yes, we are in sometimes busy, from 2015/Oct, that page doesn't work
in now, but we are still in live. Please use this way. This is
combat-proofed/well-trained way in Japanese translations.

- If you want to get translator rights, please use this procedure (at
Japanese wiki).
  see also: https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/enroll/translator_candidates

  0) Fill your prereq activities
  1) Update the meeting wiki.
  2) Mail to ubuntu-jp lists for convocation.
  3) Get translator rights, if you have enough credence.

  IMPORTANT NOTE: right of Ubuntu Japanese Translator are not
mandatary for Japanese translations.

  But, I have to say in a straightforward way in this situation with
strong pain, but I say with my sincerity.
  So, Your translation quantities are readlly good (and enough for
reviewing), but that doesn't have enough quality in this moment.
  Please take the suggestions seriously from Ikuya Awashiro before few
years ago.

   I have strong concern about your translation accuracy, so I advice
you that "if you are far from convinced, please stay as English with
braveheart." policy. This is very important part of Japanese
Translators duty.


  And, I feel desperate need of more explain about our process, please
read below.

  Yet Another Premise: We have 2 explicit (+1 implicit) bars for new
ubuntu japanese translator.

  - Bar 1) Get three endorsement +1 by existence translators. That +1
are provided by review for your past translations.

  - Bar 2) Enough quantities for screening out. Too small quantity
doesn't match process 1).

  - Implicit Bar) You have to prove that you can became good
cooperative guys, that include language skill, ubuntu experiences(as a
user, sometimes administrator in some translations), patience and
humilities for good collaborative activities. This is implicit rule,
but we have CoC, I belived that make sense on fronts!

  Yes, this is heavy process and not low bar, but that have some
historical background.
  In old days, we(Japanese Translators) use open commit policy.  But,
at given day, we met UI crisis by messy commits and license violated
machine translation (e.g.: 「symbolic link -> 象徴的結合」 and using
Excite翻訳) .

  In that days, we have to revert and revert and revert and review and
review and review that many commits, these are really nightmare days
(main worker: Ikuya Awashiro and me).

  After that terrible days, we(+ Japanese Team and Japanese
Translators) have one insight, translation are not easy works
(Especially, you may know, English -> Japanese Translation are!), and
translator must have language skill and good spirit for collaborative
activities. So, we decided to use moderated styles.

  Additionaly, we believe that English(non-translation) are better
than messy translation, because if you met English UI, you can
translate with Google Translation and any other way. But, messy
translation are dead-end.

  And, We have another rules for translation works, "Translator have
commit rights, but you cannot approve your translation direclty, you
must approve from another translators" policy, this is not mandatory
by Rosetta, but We(Japanese Translators) conformity this rules.

  IMHO, you have to learn about these rules, and contact with right ways.

  # NOTE: in communication context, we can use messy English/Japanese
in real world(like this mail;) ) , but UI translation are not so,
because we cann't say "pardon?" to UIs.

  Probably you feel something bad about this mail, but I belive you
will get rid of this. Translator rights have really high bar, but that
is not mandatory for translation works.


  Finally and again, thank you for your great contribution spirit and
cooperation with a correct comprehensions!


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