On 2018.10.01 17:50 Doug Smythies wrote:

> Hi All,
> Over the years, we have had feedback that system administrators
> prefer the English version of the serverguide, even if English
> is not their first language.
> Changes are probably pending for the way the source code for the
> serverguide is managed and edited, as we (well Canonical, actually)
> attempt to make it easier for subject matter experts to contribute.
> So the question is: Is there actual demand for publication in
> additional languages besides U.S. English?
> We already know the answer for the Dutch translation team. No. [1]
> We also know that most teams don't actually translate it (from
> the translations statistics page [2]).
> Only French, Russian, and Italian used to keep translations
> somewhat up-to-date, but not lately. Anyway, it would be good
> to hear from those teams on this subject.
> [1] 
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-translators/2017-December/007428.html
> [2] https://translations.launchpad.net/serverguide

In the absence of any feedback, we will assume multi-language support
is NOT a Serverguide requirement moving forward.

... Doug

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