On Sat, 2005-08-27 at 01:20 +0100, john levin wrote:

> Benj. Mako Hill wrote:
> > We have a "long" history of sharing space with the both Debian and
> > GNOME booths. If the folks at this Debian expo are also OK with it, we
> > can work something out. It's really up to them.
> I'll email the Debian people (also Ubunteros) I met at the Lug Radio
> event about this.
Hello :)

This was always a backup plan; I'll have a chat with Brian (.org booth
manager) and see what the situation is at the moment.

> I can do the whole three days (the two days of the event, and the day
> before setting up), take responsibility etc. But someone officvial from
> Ubuntu/Canonical has to sort out the space if it's going to be outside
> the .org village.
Hotel-wise, Debian whole-heartedly recommend the Amsterdam -- it's very
cheap and right next to Earl's Court station on Trebovir road.  They've
been good to us the last couple of times.

Scott James Remnant

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