On 4 Oct 2005, at 09:32, Matthew East wrote:

not that specifically, but the same update seems to have broken my
friends xsession, must have been a punishment for early-adoptors or
something :)

If anyone is experiencing these sorts of problems, it's really important
to visit http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ and search for similar issues. If
nothing is found, it is really helpful to report the issue! That way
they can be fixed ASAP.

problems with suspend to RAM are related to acpi-support.

AFAIK however, it is impossible that suspend to ram was working out of
the box on your laptop: suspend to ram has always been disabled by
default in /etc/default/acpi-support and required editing that file to
activate it. did you do anything to that file? What response did you
give when it asked if you wanted to replace it while upgrading? These
are all useful questions to answer in a bug report.

Weirdly it was working without me having to edit files. I just hit the, 'standby' button and it did. When asked by upgrade if I wanted to keep or replace I opted to keep my version of acpi-support.

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