> > Thank you for that. I see that it gives me a zip file on the desktop.
> > Being fairly ignorant of linux what do I do now to get the dictionary
> > into openoffice please.

> At the top of the page from which you downloaded the zip file, there's 
> an OpenOffice macro for installing dictionaries, which should download 
> the files itself.
> Strikes me that installing OOo dictionaries is too complicated, and in 
> any case should be done directly through synaptic. I suggest filing a 
> bug report, this should be sorted out for Dapper.

Thanks again. Most other languages can be done through synaptic.
Unfortunately, Welsh is missing. I think I will raise a bug about this.
I also believe the problem would not exist if the wizard in openoffice
itself worked. I have raised a bug about this.


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