Hi Grant,

On Tue, 2006-05-02 at 12:53 +0100, Grant wrote:
> Guys, Can we restrict the use of this mailing list to its original purpose
> that is  promoting/localising ubuntu in the UK.

I don't think there is a problem with dealing with advocacy and user
support on this mailing list. First of all, it is not a high traffic
mailing list. Secondly, sometimes it is nice to look for support from
people from the same country (all the other local team mailing lists
deal with support), not just because of the language, but also because
certain hardware is more common in particular countries and simply
because often support questions will contain other elements of
country-specific problems. Naturally, the option of trying a broader
mailing list or forum is still open.

So in sum, at the moment I think this list can happily have both

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