On Wed, 2006-09-20 at 19:17 +0100, Adam McMaster wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-09-20 at 19:06 +0100, Nik Butler wrote:
> > The competition requires you to recreate the Ubuntu Shipit CD Cover ( 
> > the one with the Five people on it ) using members of your local Linux 
> > User group.
> I like this idea; you could perhaps raise prize money by requiring a
> small fee for entry. (Assuming there were enough entries to make it
> worth it.)

I like the idea too, and I think Adam's supplemental idea about a small
entry charge is a good one. Perhaps you should through it open to the
whole (Global) community and Jono Bacon could run it by the folks at
Canonical for some sponsorship? I also think you could do a nice big A0
poster with a bunch of the covers, for use at expo's and the like? I
imagine the folks in the marketing group would be happy to help.


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