On Sun, 2006-09-24 at 17:27 +0100, Nik Butler wrote:
> Afternoon all. So its been a quiet week on the list regarding the 
> exhibition but that does not mean we  have not been hammering away 
> behind the scenes.

> The Ubuntu  people have contacted me to confirm that the request for 
> SHIP-IT CDs is confirmed. Ive requested 600 CDs with at least 400 as PC 
> based and the remaining set broken down amongst 64bit and Mac versions. 
> I have also had the confirmation about the conference pack being sent 
> through. Speaking of marketing . Id like to order up some Polo Shirts to 
> wear on the day as well as Sell can I get a Commitment for at least an 
> order of 20 , since I can get the price reduced on larger quantities and 
> I can get 25 for £10.00 each so guess what .. if we can get an order in 
> early we can sell the rest at the show and start putting our Ubuntu-UK 
> team pot together.  The lead time on the order is two weeks so the 
> deadline for getting in orders is next week !
Get some kubuntu and edubuntu. We should have machines running all three
(well four including xubuntu) if we can.

Kubuntu looks nice and has some fabulous apps including Amarok. I reckon
Amarok could be a killer app for us as it is clearly better than itunes
(and itunes sets the standard for media players in windows).

> 1. Things to Show/Demo during the two days.
> So yes we can show the desktop and we can show it working with hardware 
> thats a given but should we maybe plan to do some presentation, lighting 
> talks or Ask the Ubenteros moments ?
> 2. Things to talk to people about on the day .
> Other than CDs and Posters what topics do we all want to promote. The 
> Ubuntu Loco Team UK and its groups are a given here so why not build 
> around that , and how ?

I've been looking at language packs and comparing our support with UK
community languages. We don't do very well currently :(

I'll finish off that bit of research and post it to the list.

In an ideal world we'd want edubuntu in bengali etc but our translations
aren't there yet..
> Id like to ask you all to help with committing to hardware ( even the 
> small stuff like cables and power bricks ) that will be available for 
> the show and how it will get to the show and I will be asking for this 
> prior to end of September.
> Im still waiting on comments from Brian about the stand dimensions , 
> fascillities and access so we are still working to a rough note here.
> Thats all for now, thanks again to those of you whom have committed to 
> helping out for the show your efforts are all much appreciatted.

I can do all of Wednesday and most of Thursday (College starts at 6pm in New 
Cross so would have to leave early)

> oh one more thing..
> Shall we all head out for a Drink and a curry on the evening of the Set 
> up ? Nothing to harsh for the evening but a good way to get to know 
> faces and people and ideas before the show. Im sure they'll be another 
> one after the event..

Why not :)
> Thanks for reading .. have a good one,  now its time to see if Gilmore 
> Girls has started its new season !


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