On Tue, 2006-09-26 at 21:51 +0100, Llywelyn Owen wrote:
> Just deleted all the google cookies and now it works fine. I should
> have figured that out when I knew that the other browsers worked OK.
> Panic over. Thanks for you help. How come my (daily) Updater is
> notified of updates later than, say, yours? Are we tagged in such a
> way that not everyone clogs up the servers on the same day? Would make
> sense to me. 
> -- 
> Hwyl/Regards
> Llywelyn Owen

Check the repositories that you're using. I recently found some of my
packages weren't as up-to-date as some other users. After some
investigation I discovered I was using the generic archive.ubuntu.com
mirrors instead of the local gb.archive.ubuntu.com mirrors. Updating
every occurrence in my sources.list resolved the issues and gave me lots
of fresh updates.




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