I seem to have hit on a bit of a nerve here and pretty much being shot down
in flames. Apologies if it was a bad idea.

My idea was not to create a thriving budding online discussion forum. That
was not my intention.  I meant it simply as a means for us to communicate,
privately if we want via forum permissions, as opposed to using this e-mail
subscription which personally I find difficult to read. I did not mean for
it to be a place for non team members to come for technical advice. As has
already been said, there's IRC and ubuntu forums for that.  I take the point
about it being plain text without all the flashing stuff, but as it's
already been said, it depends on how the user is reading it. Personally, I
find online discussion forum threads much easier to read no matter where I
am in the UK. And in addition permissions can be se to prevent avatars and
flashing banners.

I wouldn't want to build it if no one is interested in using it. But if
people were, I'd be happy to do so.



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