I would say that their are a few large problems to overcome for anyone
wanting to create such an alternative. Science in general is a rather
large field, everything from ringing bells at dogs to quantum physics,
fitting all the software that such a wide range of people would need
onto a single CD might be a struggle, especially if you wanted to
include things like OpenOffice. Second, people can already get access to
the scientific software that is in the repository's.

Right now the different ubuntu's exist because there is a real use case,
edubuntu for schools, xubuntu for people with less powerful computers
and ubuntu/kubuntu because you can't fit both KDE software and Gnome
software onto a single cd. To justify a science ubuntu you would really
need a good working case for it to exist, weather it to be used in
university's or at home.

On Fri, 2006-10-13 at 21:53 +0100, Mark Forster wrote:
> Ubuntu UKers 
> I wanted to float the idea of a possible Ubuntu project here. Given
> the rationale of edubuntu I wanted to suggest that a Ubuntu distro
> pre-built with a collection of valuable life science applications
> would be of value to academic and industrial researchers. 
> It could also be a set of packages (and docs) to be added to an
> existing Ubuntu release.
> Applications that I would suggest including are listed below
> Many of these apps exist on the Vigyaan live CD (www.vigyaancd.org),
> but what is needed  is the Ubuntu polish and 
> solid documantation on usage. 
> What about a name 
> maybe Life Science Ubuntu, LSbuntu ? 
> The one I like is Biobuntu. 
> Regards
> Mark
> --------------------------------------------------
> CCP1gui or Ghemical as a chemistry visualisation tool.
> MOPAC for semi-empirical quantum chemistry.
> MPQC for ab initio quantum chemistry.
> Gromacs for molecular dynamics. 
> JChempaint or BKchem for molecule drawing in 2D
> OpenBabel for interconversion of chemical molecular structure formats.
> Jmol / Pymol for 3D molecular visualisation.
> EMBOSS for bioinformatics - biological sequence analysis. 
> Tcoffee for aligning protein/DNA sequences.
> R for statistical analysis and visualisation.
> GNUplot / Octave for data visualisation and graphics.

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