On Wed, 18 Oct 2006, David Morley wrote:
> On 18/10/06, nik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Jono Bacon wrote:
> > > We need an Ubuntu UK logo
> You have the Ubuntu sign in front of a capital U with a small k above
> the small buntu so that the U covers for UK and Ubuntu

Something like?


The 'K' needs modifying further, the one in Ubuntu-Title is not quite right
(and I already modified the 'k' to correct the proportions).

I don't know what the strapline font is, but I've turned a 'f' into a 't'.

Go forth and modify.

Jono: is that corny enough or do we need to try further?

High on a tall bridge, surrounded by noisy lorries.  Southampton, GB


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