On Mon, 2006-10-30 at 14:13 +0000, Nik Butler wrote:
> Ive posted the minutes as per my Scrawl here
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UkTeamMeetingNotes

Great work Nik! It would be great if we could line up a bunch of names
of people who want to work on the different things, and then maybe
prioritise the list.

> There were two things mentions one of which needs to be agreed before 
> Tommorow
> 1. The date of the next Online Team Meeting via IRC and the format as 
> well as moderators/chairman and possibly agenda.

Can I recommend fortnightly meetings during the day on IRC. We will
never please everyone, but many of the core contributors see to be on
during the day. Naturally this will lock some people out, so do speak up
if you can't make it.

> 2. Vodkosher the Jono Bacon Screencast capture/edit project.
> The following people expressed an interest in screencapture project 
> technologies and addressing the issues relevant in the utilisation and 
> implementation of it. Nik Butler,   Alan Pope, Mike Preston, Chris 
> Hannan, John Levin, Alan Helmore-Simpson, Geddes Peart . What we do next 
> is upto someone.

I would like to open this up a general team, so not a UK specific thing
if possible. I think a number of people would be interested in
developing screencasts, but if a small collection of UK Team people can
kick off the project, that would be good. So if the project starts out
small, develops some docs and guides and then we can open it out to a
wider team.

I recommend that those who want to help identify who they are, and start
working on some guides on the Ubuntu wiki. Maybe at

> 3. We need to post a story to the Fridge and if we can locate one of 
> those end of show piccies ( Laura ? Tony ? Alan(s) ? who had the cameras 
> ? ) id like to use one of those and either Jono or I can knock out a 
> paragraph to send to Linux User & Developer and Linux format etc etc etc.

Yes. Could someone write up something about it, I am a bit strapped for
time right now.


Jono Bacon
Ubuntu Community Manager
www.ubuntu.com / www.jonobacon.org


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