Nik Butler wrote:
>> Help. How do I get to begin to use IRC? I have been very much email
>> oriented in my experience. I have used instant messenger literally
>> once or twice, but never IRC. A few initial pointers would be appreciated.
> Okay im dropping in here to be both Considerate and Helpful if I can .
> Install  XChat  ( it available in the Package lists )
> joining IRC is not to difficult since your going to need to know where 
> we are so you need to know two things , the Network is Freenode and the 
> channel onthat network is #ubuntu-uk
> Since im an experienced user i never documented the process and now that 
> I type it I find i make very many assumptions , however since your 
> totally new  to IRC would you mind making notes and taking screenshots 
> as you go and then we can talk about posting these on the wiki ?
> Cheers
> Nik
> ps .. some useful links

Thanks Nik
 I will have a go at it


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