On 09/11/06, Alan Pope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 07:59:05PM +0000, alan c wrote:
> Cool, don't forget to make suggestions as to what you think should go in 
> them. I'm basically
> working through my own list, but if anyone suggests *simple* topics for 
> recording I'll consider
> it.

How about a How-To Screencast on how to create a screencast?

<geek>Mmmm. Recursive screencasting.</geek>

Seriously though, it might come in handy for the rest of us to give it a shot?

Out of interest, as a KDE user am I excluded from producing this (or
should I start doing Kubuntu-specific ones?) Do we want more than one
voice? Or are you the "Voice of Ubuntu-UK"!?  Glamorous.

I like this group, things get done. Long may it continue.



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