Pete Ryland wrote:
> On a slightly-related note, the BBC is holding a Christmas Geek Bash:
> It might be a good place to meet people who have influence over their
> website policy.
> It's being organised in association with such people as:
> Swedish Beers
> London Girl Geekdinners
> Geekdinners
> London Perlmongers
> London Webstandards Group
> London Ruby user group
> Open rights group
> London 2.0
> Mobile Monday
> LondonSEO
> So that says something about their attitude to Free Software already.
> See you there!
> Pete

I will not be able to attend but I woul dhav eloved to  - I hope many 
from here will go
'The time has come to put your name where your Christmas spirit is and 
sign up for the very cool BBC Backstage London Christmas Bash! The 
event is confirmed for Saturday 9th December between 6:30pm - 1am. The 
event is free to attend.
The party is being held at the very exclusive, Cuban Bar/Club!'

alan cocks
Linux registered user #360648


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