On Mon, Nov 13, 2006 at 11:13:08AM +0000, Stuart Parkington wrote:
> > Ok, I gave this whole screencast thing a go, it's on upgrading packages, 
> > like Alans last one, but for Kubuntu.
> > It's not what you'd call in-depth but  I tried to cover the same stuff Alan 
> > went over in his one.
> > It's about 7 mins long and covers the Adept updater and Adept package 
> > manager,
> > which was fun because I actually use Synaptic and update-notifier as I 
> > severely hate Adept :-P .
> > Before you look at it, just remember I'm not popey, I'm a guy from B'ham so 
> > I don't have "The voice of the balls".
> Hey mate, there is nothing at all wrong with your accent. Even this 
> 'dumb northerner' could make out every word. Besides, I don't know if 
> being 'The voice of the balls' should be a compliment of an insult!

I totally agree. It's great that other people are keen on doing this 
too. I am glad that it's not a one-man-band effort. It also helps to 
cement the community if we work together on something like this (IMO).

> > Let me know what you think of it, but don't be to harsh :-D

I really liked it. I added it to http://quickones.org/ and whilst I 
appreciate that's in no way an official site, don't forget that all the 
content produced so far is released under a free license. So in the 
event that an official site is made we can just transfer the content. 

> Totally excellent work! Nicely themed both in keeping with Kubuntu and 
> the work that Alan has done. Long enough to be interesting and relevant 
> without over doing the point. Not being a KDE user at all (well not 
> since v2), I've just learned lots.

Yeah, I'm no KDE user, so this is fantastic to have someone tackle 
Kubuntu. Next we need edubuntu and xubuntu :)



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