Toby Smithe wrote:
> Forwarded to wrong list! Oops!
> On Sat, 2006-11-18 at 23:22 +0000, Dean Sas wrote:
>> Toby Smithe wrote:
>>> Hell! It had a 4 month release, and was called bloody "Edgy"! What else
>>> do you need as a prompt? That's the whole point in LTS!!!!
>> Toby,
>> Could you consider being more polite towards people please? I don't
>> actually speak for everyone, but I think that most people would like the
>> list to have a calm and welcoming atmosphere, keeping in line with the
>> Ubuntu Code of Conduct, which I'm sure you're aware of by now. It is not
>> somewhere where using that tone of voice is considered ok.
> I apologise. I wasn't trying to sound aggressive, merely emphatic.
> Conveying emotion is quite hard in a soundless medium, particularly this
> one. If it sounded anything other than emphatic, I am very sorry.
I have to admire the diplomacy on here. Credit to you Dean in stepping 
forward and speaking for, I would hope, the majority here in such a 
polite and thoughtful manner. I also suspect you did so with the utmost 
of discretion as I fail to see the quoted text in the mailing list thread.

Toby, I respect how you concede the issue and give one of the noblest of 
apologies to the list that I've witnessed anywhere. Well done. That 
aside, your point of argument has very good merit. Edgy does exactly 
what it says on the tin. This is why I'm still running Dapper on this 
machine and Edgy only on a few desktop machines and on my laptop. I look 
forward to reading more of your comments in future. Perhaps though, more 
deftly put. :P

The list is yet young as is, I think, the experience of many of us here 
when it comes to all this t'internet stuff. Even if not, we're still 
getting to know each other and our sensitivities. Thus, boundary 
incursions and steppings on toes are inevitable and even fun when taken 
with good spirit. Politeness and tact are important and more thought in 
writing and also, in contrast, more forgiveness in reading, have to be 
given to all these new media and people and things and stuff.

To the list in general, I'd just like to say, it's of great enjoyment 
reading all of your posts even though I'm finding it hard to keep up of 
late. It's nice to see things so alive and vibrant in here in spite of, 
or, I say wryly, maybe even because of, some of the rises in 
temperature. It beats Coronations Street any day, which is a good thing, 
I sold my tv set months ago.



/"I took a speed reading course and read 'War and Peace' in twenty 
minutes. It involves Russia."
~Woody Allen/


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