Similar idea to the bill referenced in:

a very good read !

On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 15:55 +0000, Benjamin Webb wrote:
> Interesting idea, I think I might sign it. Just one thing so, could
> you give me some examples of the programs this would apply to - just
> want to know what I'm asking to be freed up by putting my name on
> there.
> --Bjwebb 
> On 22/01/07, Andrew Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         Slightly off-topic I'm afraid. Thought this might be
>         interesting to some
>         of the Ubuntu UK team members...
>         -------- Original Message --------
>         Subject: [SWLUG] Open government IT projects
>         Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 12:35:24 +0000 (GMT) 
>         From: Steve Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         I've created a petition on the E-petitions website, promoting
>         the idea 
>         that the tax payer should have access to the source code of IT
>         projects we
>         have paid for:
>         Please sign it if you agree with the principle (obviously
>         there are 
>         exceptions where projects cannot be open, such as defense,
>         etc).
>         "Software written using public funds should have it's source
>         code
>         published under a distribution licence that has been declared
>         Free by the 
>         Free Software Foundation, rather than remaining a closed
>         secret.
>         This would allow for more of the public to benefit from the
>         development of
>         the software since the code would be available for anyone to
>         use and 
>         improve. Furthermore, compatibility with other Free licences
>         (such as the
>         GPL) would promote rapid development and reduced costs through
>         the reuse
>         of existing code.
>         An open development model would also allow the public to be
>         more informed 
>         of the progress and quality of these projects, which so
>         frequently seem to
>         end up severely over budget."
>         --
>           - Steve
>         --


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