On 07/02/07, Daniel Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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James Allman-Talbot wrote:
> Most people (for example, me) travel around a lot. My car is never in a
> place that I am not, therefore the it will know where I am too.
You never use trains? You never get lifts? You never walk anywhere?

Lifts? Is that the up and down type? :-)

Climate change happens naturally, with or without human intervention
> around every 150,000 years and we are long overdue. The effects we are
> seeing now are exactly the same as those seen by our ancestors, except
> they didn't have pollution to blame.
Yeah, that's a lovely story, but it is scientific fact that global
warming is caused by pollution. Simple as that.

I'm always dubious of calling anything a scientific fact as many "scientific
facts" tend to get ripped to bits over time. I would go with scientific

Did you know that a single, one-way transatlantic flight creates more
> pollution than every single motor racing event on earth put together
> does in one whole year? If you're going to blame anyone for creating
> pollution, it's not drivers.
And, of course, if a single measure won't fix everything, why bother
with it at all?

> Personally i think this new type of road taxing is just a money making
> scheme, as if they don't have enough up their sleeves.
No, that's true. The NHS is incredibly well funded and all of our
schools are supreme. Oh, hold on, that doesn't sound right...

The NHS can be regarded as well funded. Throwing money at something
does not make it good. Take a certain OS that has 90 plus percent of the
market and is regarded as poor by a lot of people and the relatively poorly
funded software projects that make up what is regarded as a good and very
secure OS! :-D

As for speed
> limits, i wholly agree with them but i wholly disagree with the way in
> which they are enforced. As an average, casualties in an area can
> actually increase when a speed camera is put in to place because drivers
> suddenly turn their attention to their speedometer instead of the road
> infront of them.
Then you should clearly have no problem with being tracked all the time,
as there's nowhere specific that will become a danger point. This is an
argument in favour of introducing these devices.

I have no problem with being tracked.

Home to work. Then work to pub the to home.



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