Jamie Dumbill wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 18:34 +0000, alan c wrote:
>> I have just updated one of my older machines (kubuntu dapper) - there 
>> were about 20 or so updates I suppose. Following the activity I saw 
>> that the updates available marker was still showing.
>> This produces a notice that two items still need updating
>> linux image 386 and
>> linux restricted modules on 386
>> When I proceed with this update they both indicate something to be 
>> broken, and the update refuses.
>> Rebooting does not seem to change things
>> Is my database mixed up or must I live with a continuous indication of 
>> an impossible update?
>> -- 
>> alan cocks
>> Kubuntu user#10391
> There is a problem with the updates right now
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=356408
Yeah, it's being worked on https://launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/83976



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