On 28/02/07, alan c <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I installed Kubuntu 6.10 on a Dell Inspiron 1100 Laptop recently, and
> the boot up screens - kubuntu splash logo and the running text(?)
> (progress bar?) - cannot be seen.
> The live CD for 6.10 has problems with screen resolution and does not
> seem to complete even with  the Safe graphics mode, I have to use the
> boot option F6 and append
> live vga=771

You could try booting from the hard disk and editing the GRUB option
to append "vga=771" to the kernel line. If this works, edit the file
/boot/grub/menu.lst and add it to the end of the commented "kopt"
line. Then do a (if I remember correctly) dpkg --reconfigure grub and
it should update all the kernel lines with the specified vga option.

Then Bob's your Aunty's live-in lover.



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