Yes, there is a forum at http://www.ubuntuforums.org but not an Ubuntu
UK specific one.

Alec Wright

On Sun, 2007-03-11 at 12:18 +0000, Kirrus wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm a newbie onto this list.. thought I might as well say a bit about
> me. I'm a trainee web designer in Wales. My Primary home and work O.S.
> is Ubuntu. I switched to Ubuntu in summer last year, and haven't
> looked back. (Apart from running Guild Wars & Starcraft :) on
> windoze.) I run a startek pbem rpg in my spare time, along with trying
> to keep my blog up to date. (I will redesign the look when I get round
> to it...)
> A quick question, do you have a forum? I ask, because I spend most of
> my time on forums, and find email lists annoying, as I have enough
> emails coming in anyway, I have to set them into digest mode, Which
> limits their effectiveness. 
> Regards,
> Kirrus


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