On Mon, 2007-03-19 at 22:04 +0000, Nik Butler wrote:
> In regards to the Forums Vs Mail List Vs IRC vs Wiki

What about Usenet?  There may not be the numbers available yet for a
specific UK Ubuntu Usenet newsgroup, but I can see it being productive
further down the line.

I don't think a Usenet newsgroup would be something that would replace
anything else, though - instead, something that caters to people who
prefer Usenet.  Usenet groups have their advantages and disadvantages,
sure, but I'd love to have the option.

As for Forums - I like them, but don't even get close to reading all the
posts - the Ubuntu ones seem to be very popular

Mailing Lists - Never liked them, but find them productive - I read
pretty much everything

Usenet - More open than the above two, but vulnerable to the problems
this can entail.  Again, I don't read all the posts, but I find them
more manageable than Forums

Wiki - Good, but more static than the rest and, apart from some cases, I
don't think the teamwork's there yet

IRC - Never got into it


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