Michael Wood wrote:
> Hi,
> Two things have really touched a nerve with me recently and I would like 
> to open a discussion.
> Firstly: 
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork#head-8c391b3699f3571c2aedfa7cb78adb4623206933
> "Feisty artwork will be designed by kwwii -- of Kubuntu Edgy and KDE 
> Oxygen Icon fame. He will be working closely with sabdfl in the design. 
> Do not expect community involvement in defining this portion."
> This seems to contradict entirely the description of ubuntu "Ubuntu is a 
> community developed, linux-based operating system ...." - Ubuntu.com .
> So far the Art work for Feisty has been rather doggy in my opinoin

I have been a lurking member of the ubuntu art list for a while, 
although I am not an artist.
What *is* good artwork? Thinking about it, I do not see examples of 
group art around me in the world - art is generally a matter of 
individual taste. Most screenshots offered as worthy or good, do not 
impress me personally, although some obviously impress others.
Ubuntu is aimed at a world wide multi cultural user base. 'Good' art 
will need to cross cultural boundaries'

alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391


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