Hi all,

I'm not sure I've mentioned this on the list before but the disc I've
been working on to promote Free Culture (incl. free software) is
available to download!

It's an awesome disc (if I do say so myself!) and the plan is to
distribute it to journalists and MPs (+ friends at uni) to help spread
the word about free culture and all the amazing stuff that's going on.
I'm also making it available to download so that any body can get
their hands on it and share it with friends, family, colleagues etc!

If you want to find out more visit
http://questionsplease.org/freeme/the-campaign-blog/ where there's
more info about the disc being available for download and also you can
just look around the site and check it out.

Feedback is most definitely welcome! If you do download it and it gets
used at any events etc then it would be cool to have pictures/video to
share on the blog :D

Cheers, I hope you find it interesting :D


p.s. sorry I don't contribute so much to this list!


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