The complete Google group of services are good. Some of the programs
do work nativly under Linux with some exceptions. It's a shame about
Gtalk, but you can't have everything... I use several PC's running
different OS's, Googles browser sync is a real boon. I would be lost
without the spell checker in Google tool bar. I use Gmail as my
default email these days because of the multiple computers. I used to
use Yahoo for all of these tasks but in the last year or so Google has
become the centre of my on-line life.

Regards Steve Morrish...
AKA Pendragon
ICQ 112 044 096

On 5/6/07, Josh Blacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Google's Picasa is quite good in my experience (and have an ubuntu
> client running under an integrated, tweaked wine), but doesn't offer
> nearly as many of the features of Flickr, I'm afraid, but its
> desktop-web integration is useful.
> Josh
> On 5/6/07, TheVeech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yahoo's reported merger/takeover talks with MS means it's open (!) to
> > selling its independence to the highest bidder.  That it's MS they're
> > talking with just emphasises my original stupidity and
> > short-sightedness.  I should have been more savvy to the long-term
> > threat of something like this, especially before parting with cash.
> >
> > But now I've got to start looking at the alternatives on offer to the
> > various services of theirs that I've used.  I'm mainly looking for an
> > alternative to Flickr!, though a list of alternatives to all their
> > offerings would be helpful for trying something new and for when I come
> > across people who are also facing the threat of having the rug pulled
> > from beneath them.  This would also be handy to distribute if or when
> > the deal goes through.
> >
> > Anyone use/recommend free alternatives?  I'm about to start the process
> > of researching this, but anyone's knowledge and experiences would be a
> > big help.
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --


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