On 5/6/07, Gregory Kirby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> HI Kris,
> I have had a play with Ubuntu. I also have a Kubuntu disk ready to play
> around with too.
> I have realised that I may have trouble opening existing MS Office docs,
> mainly Word, some Excel and Access.

Open Office is the installed office suite in Ubuntu. It does a pretty
good job at opening most MS Office documents. However, as you
mentioned, there may be the odd document that doesn't play nice if
you're editing them in both Open Office and MS Office. You could
consider Open Office for Windows <http://www.openoffice.org/>, if this
is something you'll need to do day-to-day.

> Also couldn't play my mp3 files, of
> which I have many via Creative.

mp3 won't work out of box with Ubuntu, as there are some legal
implications with shipping it on the CD (the mp3 library needs to be
paid for as it's using patented technology). However, Ubuntu makes it
very easy to install codecs such as mp3, dvd stuff etc. You should be
able to click on the mp3, and Ubuntu will prompt you to download what
it needs from the Internet. Providing you can get connected :-)

> I presume there are tools to convert formats, so will demo again.
> I came out of Ubuntu as I couldn't get on line. I will note my ADSL
> settings via Zoom USB modem, my Turnpike settings for POP3 email, and go
> in again.

I have no idea about this. I ditched my USB modem a while ago. Maybe
someone else on this list will be able to help out, and you could try
posting on http://ubuntuforums.org/ too.

> Is there a big difference between Kubuntu and Ubuntu?

Kubuntu is based on KDE, and it's applications. Ubuntu is based on
Gnome and it's applications. Generally, you'll find that you can do
everything you need in either/or. I won't comment on which is better,
as this is more down to a personal thing. I'd suggest giving both a
go, and seeing which works better for you.

Hope that helps a bit, and good luck with your modem stuffs :-)



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