Michael Wood wrote:
> Hello Again,
> So, It's the Eurovision song contest tonight, It's going to be streamed
> from http://www.eurovision.tv using a plugin that you can get from here:
> http://www.octoshape.com/files/octosetup-linux_i386.bin
> run the octosetup-linux_i386.bin file in a terminal via the command:
> sh octosetup-linux_i386.bin
> Now make sure you have the following packages installed:
> ia32-sun-java5-bin libstdc++6 mplayer
You will need to enable multiverse to install mplayer and ia32-sun-java5-bin

> Open up your favourite editor and put in it:
> JavaExec=/usr/lib/jvm/ia32-java-1.5.0-sun-
> PlayerExec=gmplayer -nocache $url
> save this file as setup.cfg inside the octoshape directory.
> To run it cd to the directory and type:
> ./OctoshapeClient -url:EBU.esc07
> "EBU.esc07" is the url for eurovision,
> output in the terminal should look something like this:
> http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org/142
> More urls/streams at: http://www.octoshape.com/play/play.asp
> Linux FAQ at: http://www.octoshape.com/faq/faq.asp?faqtype=Linux
> - Michael

/\/\ichael [ [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ]
  \/\/ood  [ http://michaelwood.me.uk ]


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