Alan Pope wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-05-16 at 14:43 +0100, fatma oymak wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have one problem....I couldnt find right you have any idea? 
>> please please let me know
> Haha. 1 point for effort for getting other people to do your
> school/college/uni assignments - minus 10 points to everyone who has
> answered so far :)
> Cheers,
> Al.
Plus 20 for the respondents who tried to bring in an Ubuntu reference to 
their answers :-)

Plus 100 for those who realise that it's important to meet people new to 
the community on their terms, and reel them in gently :-) :-)

Plus 1000 for those who try to turn this into a "what do students what 
out of Linux - free answers to their homework" thread :-) :-) :-)

Minus 5000 for those who try to come up with a list of increasingly 
valuable points reasons to justify their having answered...... DAMN!



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