On 5/25/07, luxxius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alan Pope wrote:
> > Call me picky, but isn't it true that you can't *prevent* lightning
> > strikes, only try to get them to hit something other than your
> > aerial/golf club/tree/car/house?
> My only experience of a lightning strike was lightning hitting the
> telegraph pole down the street, sending a big pulse down the phone line,
> and frying the fax modem on my motherboard (along with its nearby
> on-board network and the graphics).  I guess surge protection wouldn't
> help with that sort of thing?
> By the way, hello!  I'm a relative newcomer to Ubuntu (about four months
> now).  I have Dapper running on my old Inspiron latptop (including
> wireless on a Linksys card with Broadcom chipset, which I was very
> pleased to get working in only a fortnight!).
> And now I've put Feisty on an old AMD box, and recently as a dual boot
> on my Dell Dimension (with XP, which I keep for occasional bits of stuff
> that are still easier for me on XP, till I get better at GNU/Linux).
> But I find I rarely use that other OS at all;  and I've been sort of
> surprised to find that I don't miss it, and - contrary to long-term
> brainwashing (20 years, I guess) - I don't actually need it!  Freedom!
> Ubuntu's really good - but I have to be careful not to bore my kids and
> friends to death going on about it!
> --
> Diana
>We've sat watching a fireball from lightning in the same room, frying
the Orange box which took 5 weeks to replace, followint innumerable
phone calls.  And it is a bore switching everything off whenever there
is a thunderstorm in the area.  What are the relative merits of the
various means of protection ?   Robin
> --
> ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UKTeam/


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