On Wed, 2007-05-30 at 21:24 +0100, gord wrote:
> this is the url you need for the normal way of installing flash on
> feisty:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash
> it should be fixed with gutsy (the next Ubuntu release) though as the
> free software flash implementation (gnash) will support flash video.

Although not packaged, gnash already does support some implementations
of flash video players. Youtube is of course a popular video site but
there are zillions of others, and some of the video players don't quite
work in gnash. 

The gnash developers have recently got some funding. I believe they have
12 devs working on it at the moment - hopefully rising to around 30.
They are a top bunch of guys and really deserve our support!

If you can go through the gnash compilation/installation steps (prior to
gutsy) and report bugs to the gnash guys then it can only help to make
gnash better for when gutsy does release. That way we can have a great
distro with a free-flash player.


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