Hi John,

On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 08:23 +0100, John Taylor wrote:
> Alan Pope wrote: 
> > On Sun, 2007-06-03 at 19:39 +0100, Chris Rowson wrote:
> >   
> > > 2) Get VMWare - You can then run a copy of Windows inside your Linux
> > > operating system. That way you can get access to your blood sugar
> > > problem.
> > >     
> > 
> > Or VirtualBox or QEMU (both of which are considerably less evil than
> > VMWare).
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Al.
> >   
> Guys
> As a geriatric  what are these boxes and why are they evil?

My apologies for not fully explaining.

VMWare, QEMU, Virtualbox and Parallels (and many others) are software
products which can be installed on various platforms including Windows,
Linux and Mac OSX. Their purpose is to emulate/simulate/virtualise
computer hardware so that you can run a computer "within" a computer.

So for example if you were a Mac user who needed to run some Windows
applications you might use Parallels to run a full Windows environment
inside OSX. 

If you were a Windows user who wanted to try out Linux you might install
VMWare on Windows and install Linux "inside" VM. 

The benefit of this is that you can run both operating systems at the
same time rather than switch between them with a reboot - so called

The reason I mentioned VirtualBox and QEMU in response to the mail about
VMWare is because VMWare is a proprietary (closed source) application,
whereas (some versions of) VirtualBox and (all versions of) QEMU are
free/open source products. 

They all achieve much the same goal, but each has advantages and

These pages explain the products in detail:-


These pages detail how to install them under Ubuntu:-



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