On Thu, 07 Jun 2007 07:02:06 +0100
luxxius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can find all the files with the group that's causing the hiccup
> using
>       find /home/diana/music -group diana
> Is there a simple way to redirect the results to chgrp root and then 
> chmod them to 664 so that I can automate this in future?

find can be used to run commands:

        find ~/music -group diana -exec chgrp root {} \; -exec chmod
                664 {} \;

for each result that find turns up it will run each of the commands
given as -exec arguments, replacing the {} with the file name. 

xargs could also be used here to substitute the results of the find
into arbitrary positions in other commands (useful when the results
come from something other than find which doesn't have a -exec or

Robert McWilliam     [EMAIL PROTECTED]    www.ormiret.com

People who think they know what they are doing are especially annoying
to those of us who do.


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