Well, I just found desktop effects...

What an awesome, awesome demo for Linux.  My laptop is an old HP (Circa 2002) 
with 512Mb RAM, a P3 1.5 Intel mobile and an onboard ATI ProSavage DDR3 and it 
runs Beryl with all the desktop effects including the task-switcher, window 
effects and desktop cube _without slowing down_!!!

This is awesome.  The XP/Vista upgrade tool (yes, I dual boot XP, I know, I 
know...) basically told me that this laptop was useless and should be upgraded 
in just about every way for Aero to work.

As a community, I really think that we should be trying to get the fact that 
you can make your PC look pretty without paying in as many PC magazines as 
possible.  So many reviews I've read of Vista have been "this is stable, yes 
it's expensive, BUT LOOK AT THE GRAPHICS!!!!".

Anyway, just thought I'd let you know how happy I am about Beryl...

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
Lug-Master (http://www.thanet.lug.org.uk),
Dad (http://www.helpmeimadad.com/),
Ubuntu User( http://www.ubuntu.com/)


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