Neil Greenwood wrote:
> I think the default for directories is 755, the default for files
> should be 644. The default is set using the umask command, in case you
> wanted to know.

Yes, those defaults would make sense - everyone can at least see what's 
in directories, and read files, but not automatically run executable 
files;  and only owners can modify files.

>>     I do have one remaining question... what is the function of ' {} \; '

> Robert answered this rather well, and more succinctly than I would have :-)
> The only point to note is that -exec is part of the find command, so
> you can't use it with other ways of getting a list of files.

Ah, right!  I'd missed the the fact that -exec was a condition of 
'find';  glad I didn't try using it to pipe other stuff into!  'Find' is 
clearly powerful, but a bit of a portmanteau, and it's easy to miss the 
significance of its conditions in the four pages of material in 'Linux 
in a Nutshell'!

Many thanks to you and Robert for the extremely useful on-line seminar!. 
(I do hope the content of this thread is not too 'off topic' on this 
list - apologies if it is;  but it has been so helpful to me, and I hope 
to others who are also learning.)

Best wishes


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