Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:
> Alan,
> Quoting alan c <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> With Ubuntu in mind I would be grateful for more information
>> about the possible vulnerability - or not - of the sort of
>> malware (trojan) which is likely to be used in the sort of
>> current, and on a new scale, attack via infected websites as
>> described in the Guardian:
>> My initial reaction is of course that linux doe snot install
>> anything without a password, but then I remembered that in my
>> user activities I was able to install a firefox extension without
>> a password (I think), and in principle  I can install into my
>> user area with no password generally.
>> So could a trojan be installed easily from an infected website
>> without my knowledge?
> The answer is that at some point, there will be a vulnerability in
>  Firefox or any other open-source web browser that allows for this
> kind of content to download itself onto your computer.
> This could be a keylogger which then emails logfiles to an irc-chat
>  room somewhere for _your user_, however it would not be able to
> run as root unless you let it or it was working in conjunction with
> other exploits that allowed unauthorised access to your system.
> The good news is that the chances of this is rare for the following
> reasons:
> 1) Generally, a completely different set of code instructions would
>  need to be compiled for the program to run under linux 2) As the
> vast majority of people use Windows, crackers are less likely to
> write a trojan for Linux-based machines (although this could change
> in time) 3) The chances of getting the exact two vulnerabilities
> that the torjan/bug is written to exploit are pretty remote
> So all in all, viruses[0] and their ilk will come to linux as it 
> becomes more and more popular, however there will alwys be the fact
>  that Linux is inherently more secure than some of the alternatives
> out there to give you a warm, fuzzy feeling... :o)
> HTH,
> M. [0] and it is Viruses, not Virii as I had though for years!

Thanks, much appreciated.

Would there be a procedure to use browser/s with a different 'user'
password, with much lower privileges than the normal user, so that
when browsing the 'user-low' being used is not allowed to download
anything knowingly or not (without password)? Accepted that the the
user-low is still using a browser which may have weaknesses.

alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391


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